11 May

Always alot happening in and around our little patch.  

Queens Jubilee

We are so pleased to announce that Inglewood Mt Lawley community garden has been granted $3000 for the Queens Jubilee.  With these funds we will be able to purchase some trees including some mature trees, focusing on Bush Tucker, which is super exciting, make sure you stay tuned for more information on that in the coming weeks.

Communal Planting area

Our summer crops have now come to an end and we are busily prepping the communal planting area's for our winter crops.  We have earmarked some favourite vegies including Broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes amongst others,  these will be available to our financial members on our regular task and Harvest days to assist in planting the seedlings to sharing in the produce once it becomes available. If you would like to become a member of the garden make sure to check out our membership form to find out more information and how to become involved.

AGM & Committee

It is hard to believe we have almost had our first full membership year at the garden, so much has happened in that 12 months, it has gone so fast but has been a whirlwind of excitement. 

If you have ever considered being a part of a fast paced committee, the Inglewood Mt Lawley Community garden may be worth considering. We have our AGM fast approaching (July 10th 2022- more info to follow) and you have the opportunity to be involved. Nomination forms will be available in the coming weeks so stay tuned.


Thankyou to those of you who voted for our latest Scarecrow edition, it was a close race but the clear winner was.......Arty short for Artichoke or for more of a nostalgic reason he is named after Sir Arthur Lawley - Mount Lawley was named in honour of Sir Arthur Lawley, the Governor of Western Australia from May 1901 to August 1902. 

We think Sir Arthur would be proud to be a part of our little patch 

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